{ { } } { } { }
Function Tach(ByVal s As String, Optional ByVal slda As Integer = 4)
Const Key As String = "\choice"
Const cm As String = "%"
Const c1 As String = "{"
Const c2 As String = "}"
Const dhkt As String = "\"
Const loigiai As String = "\loigiai"
Dim da, CountAns&, s1$
Dim StartSearchingPos&, k&, n&, i&, j&, PrevI&
Static RegExp As Object
Tach = s
If InStr(s, Key) = 0 Then Exit Function
StartSearchingPos = InStr(s, Key) + Len(Key)
If InStr(s, loigiai) > 0 Then
n = InStr(s, loigiai) - 1
n = Len(s)
End If
s1 = Mid(s, StartSearchingPos, n - StartSearchingPos + 1)
If RegExp Is Nothing Then
Set RegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RegExp .Global = True
RegExp .Pattern = "[^{}]"
End If
s1 = RegExp.Replace(s1, "")
n = Len(s1)
i = 1
PrevI = 1
CountAns = 0
da = s
Do While CountAns < slda And i <= n
If Mid(s1, i, 1) = c2 Then Exit Do
k = 1
i = i + 1
Do While k > 0 And i <= n
If Mid(s1, i, 1) = c2 Then
k = k - 1
k = k + 1
End If
i = i + 1
If k > 0 Then Exit Do
CountAns = CountAns + 1
If CountAns = 1 Then
ReDim da(1 To 3, 1 To CountAns)
ReDim Preserve da(1 To 3, 1 To CountAns)
End If
da(2, CountAns) = InStr(StartSearchingPos, s, c1)
For j = 1 To (i - PrevI) / 2
StartSearchingPos = InStr(StartSearchingPos, s, c2) + 1
da(3, CountAns) = StartSearchingPos - 1
da(1, CountAns) = Mid(s, da(2, CountAns), StartSearchingPos - da(2, CountAns))
PrevI = i
Tach = da
End Function
Gọi $z_1,z_2$ là nghiệm của phương trình $z^2+2z+3=0$. Giá trị của biểu thức $\left| z_1 \right|^2+\left| z_2 \right|^2$ bằng
{\True $6$}
Function tachlayloigiai(ByRef s As String, Optional ByVal slda As Integer = 4)
Const Key As String = "\choice"
Const cm As String = "%"
Const c1 As String = "{"
Const c2 As String = "}"
Const dhkt As String = "\"
Const loigiai As String = "\loigiai"
Dim da, CountAns&, s1$
Dim StartSearchingPos&, k&, n&, i&, j&, PrevI&
Const THAYTHEPHANTRAM As String = "@~"
Const KYTUGAYNHIEU As String = "\%"
Static RegExp As Object
On Error GoTo thoat
tachlayloigiai = s
Call chuanhoacauhoi(s) 'Loai bo comment %...
If InStr(s, Key) = 0 Then Exit Function
StartSearchingPos = InStr(s, Key) + Len(Key)
If InStr(s, loigiai) > 0 Then
n = InStr(s, loigiai) - 1
n = Len(s)
End If
s1 = Mid(s, StartSearchingPos, n - StartSearchingPos + 1)
If RegExp Is Nothing Then
Set RegExp = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RegExp.Global = True
RegExp.Pattern = "[^{}]"
End If
s1 = RegExp.Replace(s1, "")
n = Len(s1)
i = 1
PrevI = 1
CountAns = 0
da = s
Do While CountAns < slda And i <= n
If Mid(s1, i, 1) = c2 Then Exit Do
k = 1
i = i + 1
Do While k > 0 And i <= n
If Mid(s1, i, 1) = c2 Then
k = k - 1
k = k + 1
End If
i = i + 1
If k > 0 Then Exit Do
CountAns = CountAns + 1
If CountAns = 1 Then
ReDim da(1 To 3, 1 To CountAns)
ReDim Preserve da(1 To 3, 1 To CountAns)
End If
da(2, CountAns) = InStr(StartSearchingPos, s, c1)
For j = 1 To (i - PrevI) / 2
StartSearchingPos = InStr(StartSearchingPos, s, c2) + 1
da(3, CountAns) = StartSearchingPos - 1
da(1, CountAns) = Mid(s, da(2, CountAns), StartSearchingPos - da(2, CountAns))
PrevI = i
s = Replace(s, THAYTHEPHANTRAM, KYTUGAYNHIEU, , , vbTextCompare) 'Tra ve ky tu ban dau @~ => \%
If IsNumeric(CStr(da(2, CountAns))) = False Or IsNumeric(CStr(da(3, CountAns))) = False Then
tachlayloigiai = s
Exit Function
End If
If CountAns = slda Then
For i = LBound(da, 2) To UBound(da, 2) Step 1
da(1, i) = Replace(CStr(da(1, i)), THAYTHEPHANTRAM, KYTUGAYNHIEU, , , vbTextCompare)
Next i
tachlayloigiai = da
End If
End Function
'Loai bo comment.
'\% => @~
Sub chuanhoacauhoi(ByRef s As String)
Dim i As Long
Dim arr
Dim stemp As String
Dim optemp As String
Dim vt As Long
Const cm As String = "%"
Const THAYTHEPHANTRAM As String = "@~"
Const KYTUGAYNHIEU As String = "\%"
If s = "" Then Exit Sub
s = Replace(s, KYTUGAYNHIEU, THAYTHEPHANTRAM, , , vbTextCompare)
arr = Split(s, Chr(10))
For i = LBound(arr, 1) To UBound(arr, 1) Step 1
stemp = CStr(arr(i))
If stemp = "" Then GoTo tiep
vt = InStr(1, stemp, cm, vbTextCompare)
If vt > 0 Then
stemp = Left(stemp, vt - 1)
End If
optemp = optemp & Chr(10) & stemp
Next i
If optemp <> "" Then
s = optemp
vt = InStr(1, s, cm, vbTextCompare)
If vt > 0 Then
s = Left(s, vt - 1)
End If
End If
End Sub
Chính tôi mới là người cần nói lời cảm ơn bạn. Thật may mắn vì diễn đàn đã có một Smod xuất sắc về thuật toán.Cảm ơn tuhocvba.
'\d: so
'\d{1,2}: so co 1 chu so hoac 2 chu so
'\w :A-Z
'[1D3-2.4-3]: ??i s? 11 ch??ng 3. bai 2. d?ng 4. m?c ?? 3 h?
'2.4 => 2-4
'INPUT: [1D3-2.4-3]
'OUTPUT: [1D3K2-4], dong thoi thay doi input
'Da chuyen ca ID cua BT PRo
Sub abb()
Dim s As String, x As String
s = "aaa[HH12.C8.6.D1.b]aaa" '2H1K3-8
's = "aaaa[HH12.C8.6.D1.b]aaaa" '2H8K6-1
x = chuyenidword(s)
MsgBox x
End Sub
Function chuyenidword(ByRef s As String) As String
Dim kq1 As String, kq As String
chuyenidword = "?"
kq1 = idwbt(s)
If kq1 = "" Then GoTo thoat
kq = chuyenidw(kq1)
If kq = "" Then GoTo thoat
kq = chuyenidw6(kq)
If kq = "" Then GoTo thoat
kq = "[" & kq & "]"
s = Replace(s, kq1, kq, , , vbTextCompare)
chuyenidword = " % " & kq
Exit Function
chuyenidword = " % " & cidbt(s)
End Function
Private Function idwbt(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim reg As Object
Dim s As String
Dim Match, Matches
idwbt = ""
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With reg
.Pattern = "(\[\d{1})([A-Z])([A-Z,0-9])(-)([A-Z,0-9])(\.)([A-Z,0-9])(-)([A-Z,0-9]\])"
.IgnoreCase = False
.Global = True
End With
Set Matches = reg.Execute(str)
s = ""
For Each Match In Matches
s = Match.Value
If s = "" Then Exit Function
idwbt = s
Exit Function
Next Match
idwbt = s
Set reg = Nothing
End Function
Private Function chuyenidw6(ByVal s As String) As String
Dim vt1 As Integer, vt2 As Integer
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
Dim mucdo As String
Const c As String = "-"
On Error GoTo thoat
s1 = Left(s, 3) '1D3-2.4-3 => 1D3
s2 = Right(s, 1)
chuyenidw6 = ""
Select Case s2
Case "1"
mucdo = "Y"
Case "2"
mucdo = "B"
Case "3"
mucdo = "K"
Case "4"
mucdo = "G"
Case "5"
mucdo = "T"
End Select
vt1 = InStr(1, s, c, vbTextCompare)
If vt1 = 0 Then GoTo thoat
vt2 = InStrRev(s, c, , vbTextCompare)
s2 = ""
If vt1 < vt2 Then
s2 = Mid(s, vt1 + 1, vt2 - 5)
s2 = Replace(s2, ".", c, , , vbTextCompare)
GoTo thoat
End If
chuyenidw6 = s1 & mucdo & s2
End Function
'INPUT: abc[123]
Private Function chuyenidw(ByVal s As String) As String
On Error GoTo thoat
Dim vt1 As Integer, vt2 As Integer
Dim kq As String
Const c1 As String = "["
Const c2 As String = "]"
chuyenidw = ""
If s = "" Then Exit Function
vt1 = InStr(1, s, c1, vbTextCompare)
If vt1 = 0 Then Exit Function
vt2 = InStr(vt1, s, c2, vbTextCompare)
If vt2 > vt1 Then
kq = Mid(s, vt1 + 1, vt2 - vt1 - 1)
End If
chuyenidw = kq
End Function
Private Function cidbt(ByRef s As String) As String
Dim kq As String, kq2 As String
kq = ""
kq = idwbt2(s)
kq2 = cidwbt(kq)
If kq2 = "" Then
cidbt = "?"
kq2 = "[" & kq2 & "]"
s = Replace(s, kq, kq2, , , vbTextCompare)
cidbt = kq2
End If
End Function
Private Function idwbt2(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim reg As Object
Dim s As String
Dim Match, Matches
idwbt2 = ""
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With reg
.Pattern = "\[[A-Z]{2}\d{2}\.[A-Z]\d{1,2}\.\d{1,2}\.[A-Z]\d{1,2}\.[a-z]\]"
.IgnoreCase = False
.Global = True
End With
Set Matches = reg.Execute(str)
s = ""
For Each Match In Matches
s = Match.Value
If s = "" Then Exit Function
idwbt2 = s
Exit Function
Next Match
idwbt2 = s
Set reg = Nothing
End Function
Private Function cidwbt(ByVal s2 As String) As String
Dim arr
Dim kq As String
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim mon As String
Dim monx As String 'C, D, H
Dim lop As String '10: HO10
Dim lopx As String
Dim chuong As String
Dim bai As String
Dim dang As String
Dim md As String
Dim mdx As String
cidwbt = ""
s = Replace(s2, "[", "")
s = Replace(s, "]", "")
kq = ""
On Error GoTo thoat
arr = Split(s, ".")
'Mon: HO = C, DS = D, HH = H
mon = Left(CStr(arr(0)), 2)
Select Case mon
Case "DS"
monx = "D"
Case "HH"
monx = "H"
Case "HO"
monx = "C"
Case Else
GoTo thoat
End Select
lop = Right(CStr(arr(0)), 2)
Select Case lop
Case "10"
lopx = "0"
Case "11"
lopx = "1"
Case "12"
lopx = "2"
Case Else
GoTo thoat
End Select
chuong = UCase(CStr(arr(1)))
chuong = Right(chuong, Len(chuong) - 1)
If IsNumeric(chuong) = True Then
If Val(chuong) < 10 Then
chuong = CStr(Val(chuong))
chuong = Chr(Val(chuong) + 55)
End If
GoTo thoat
End If
bai = CStr(arr(2))
bai = CStr(Val(bai))
If IsNumeric(bai) = True Then
If Val(bai) < 10 Then
bai = CStr(Val(bai))
bai = Chr(Val(bai) + 55)
End If
GoTo thoat
End If
dang = UCase(CStr(arr(3)))
dang = Right(dang, Len(dang) - 1)
If IsNumeric(dang) = True Then
If Val(dang) < 10 Then
dang = CStr(Val(dang))
dang = Chr(Val(dang) + 55)
End If
GoTo thoat
End If
md = CStr(arr(4))
md = LCase(md)
Select Case md
Case "a"
mdx = "B"
Case "b"
mdx = "K"
Case "c"
mdx = "G"
Case "d"
mdx = "T"
Case Else
GoTo thoat
End Select
cidwbt = lopx & monx & chuong & mdx & bai & "-" & dang
Exit Function
cidwbt = ""
End Function
Sub test102021()
Dim s As String, x As String
s = "aaa[1D3K2-4]"
x = nhandienid(s, "")
MsgBox x
End Sub
'Thay ID_OLD thanh ID_NEW
'Neu snew = "" : ReadOnly
'INPUT: [1D3K2-4], snew: 1D3K5-4
'OUTPUT: thay [1D3K5-4] vao s, ket qua cua ham la : 1D3K2-4
Function nhandienid(ByRef str As String, ByVal snew As String) As String
Dim reg As Object
Dim s As String, kq As String
Dim Match, Matches
kq = str
nhandienid = "?"
Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
With reg
.Pattern = "(\[\d{1})([A-Z])([A-Z,0-9])([A-Z])([A-Z,0-9])(-)([A-Z,0-9])(\])"
.IgnoreCase = False
.Global = True
End With
Set Matches = reg.Execute(str)
s = ""
For Each Match In Matches
s = Match.Value
If s <> "" Then
If snew <> "" Then
kq = Replace(kq, s, "[" & snew & "]", , , vbTextCompare)
End If
nhandienid = s
End If
Next Match
str = kq
Set reg = Nothing
nhandienid = Replace(nhandienid, "[", "", , , vbTextCompare)
nhandienid = Replace(nhandienid, "]", "", , , vbTextCompare)
End Function